Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Creative Block?

I just read this article from scrapbook.com that is full of "Divine Inspiration."

Creating for your Creator
Submitted by: Drex Davis

This article is excerpted from the book Stuck In a Rut? Ditch Scrapper's Block. by Drex Davis.

There's a powerful project you can do to unlock your creativity.

Create a layout for your Creator.

It's that simple. Not a layout about your Creator. A layout for your Creator. The layout is a gift for your Creator. If no one else ever sees it, that is fine, because it's a creation for the being or power who created you. The layout can be about anything. But put everything you have into it. Hold nothing back.

If you do not believe that you are the creation of a Creator, or that the world has a willful Creator, that's OK, too. Clearly, there are creative forces at work in the world. Make a layout for those forces (i.e. Nature or some other conception of Nature as Creator). Or make a layout for your ancestors, who are, in a sense, your creators.

As you create this gift, remember the source of the creative power your Creator has given you. Think about how your power is an extension of the power the Creator holds.

I am a person who believes in a Creator, and I believe this belief helps my creativity. I believe I am the creation of a Creator. This single belief has probably been the most powerful belief I have for unlocking creativity in me. This activity tends to resonate particularly well in people who believe in a willful Creator.

We are most like the Creator when we are creating. I believe it pleases the Creator that we create. Especially when we create for the Creator.

There is a story in the Bible about King David that captures this. David had the Ark of the Covenant brought to his city. When the Ark arrived, the Bible says David went down to the street and "danced before the Lord with all his might . . . leaping and dancing before the Lord." (KJV, 2 Samuel 6:14-16)

There are two aspects about the dance that David did for his Creator that I really like. First, the dancing was done "with all his might." Second, it says he was "leaping." This must have been quite a spontaneous and vigorous artistic act. It was so noteworthy, so passionate, it got recorded forever. A dance, recorded forever, because it was so remarkable.

I think that sometimes when we're blocked creatively, it helps to get back in touch with the Being (or forces, or ancestors) who created us. When we understand that we are the result of a creation, and that the power of creation is in us, it feels very natural to create.

Some people may not be comfortable with this exercise because of their own beliefs. If that is your case, try to adapt this exercise for your belief system.

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